Monday, July 31, 2006

Congregational Characteristics of Growing Small Churches

A recent study of rapidly growing congregations with an average Sunday attendance of 70 or less identified key congregational characteristics.

Specifically, the most rapidly growing small Episcopal congregations in the United States are places that:

  1. Report that they are spiritually vital and alive
  2. Have a clear sense of mission and purpose
  3. Have many members in the congregation who work for social justice
  4. Inculcate strong values and beliefs
  5. Focus on deepening members' relationship with God
  6. Keep the surrounding community well informed about activities taking place in the congregation
  7. Help members struggle with tough questions
  8. Are fun places to be.

What about your congregation? Where do you see these characteristics in the community in which you serve, and in what ways can small congregations creatively strengthen these traits?

Let us share with and learn from one another to the end that our congregations are even better equipped to grow, strengthen and send forth servants of Christ.

Faithfully in Christ in whose name and mission we are all united,


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