Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Katrina Recovery Trip Opportunity

Katrina Recovery Work
Sheila Vossler

We passed miles and miles of devastation, emptiness, debris piles, cars upside down, barges tossed onto the land and across US 90, broken and missing homes with only cement pads showing, oak trees dressed in closet contents 40 feet up in the branches and mini memorials to lives lost to the storm. Then we saw the sign....."Camp Coast Care ....It's all about Hope and Love" and we knew this was where we would find both and give both . It was May and we came to the Gulf Coast to join this very well organized group who clean up, rebuild and restore. The Episcopal and Lutheran churches have made a long term commitment here and will supply a sleeping cot and 3 good hot meals a day to those who come to volunteer. See the website http://www.campcoastcare.com/ .

The work is varied. Can you use a computer, pound nails, serve food, interview hurting people with sensitivity, scrub floors, install tile, drive a truck, clean bathrooms, string electric wiring, help cook meals, hand out tools, install a sink, lift wallboard, be a gofer, be a team leader for construction? Skilled workers would be wonderful but all hands do the work of God and come away tired but refreshed by the Holy Spirit. Joy springs forth out of destruction and despair. There is much to learn from those we help. Lessons of faith, perseverance, thankfulness, and hope. This is truly God's work of renewal in the world, one home, one person, one life at a time.

We are going again. In truth, we cannot stay away. We will arrive November 11, 2006. Not all of our team need to arrive or leave on the same day. Join us and you will be renewed and enriched. Check out the website above and e-mail me with questions and your itinerary. I will make sure you are met at the Gulfport/Biloxi Airport and transported to the camp. Alternatively you may fly into New Orleans and rent a car for the 75 mile drive to camp. I feel called to bring many workers to the vineyard and also to transport a fist full of checks made out to Camp Coast Care to continue the work. One way or the other, won't you join us?

Contact: Sheila Vossler mabear2@sbcglobal.net

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