Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Free Resource!!!

The Rev. Katharine Hunt and Gail Loken from Christ Church Episcopal in Anchorage, Alaska, offer your congregation the following (free!) weekly resource. They produce the resource and e-mail it to your in-box so you can then easily e-mail it out to interested members of your congregation. It is a great lectionary-based resource and I am happy to recommend it for your further review.

Greetings from Alaska!

Join us in using Lectionary Life Links, a new, vibrant resource that
nourishes the spiritual growth of people of all ages. These weekly
bulletin inserts are free to you, funded by a grant through the
Roanridge Foundation.

Preview a sample at
(F.R.O.L.I.C - Fully Renewing Our Lives in Christ)

This resource is serving parishes in Germany and 19 states throughout
the United States in a multitude of ministry areas including shut-ins/LEM
ministry, Hospital visits, prison ministry, Intergenerational
Christian Education, Self/Home Study and as a sermon resource.

We invite you to contact us at to begin your free
e-mail subscription.

Blessings and Peace, and we look forward to hearing from you,

Rev. Katherine Hunt and Gail Loken
Christ Church Episcopal, Anchorage, Alaska

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