Friday, April 27, 2007

Episcopal Congregations in Europe

On April 20-22, 2007 my son (pictured in striped sweater on right) and I had the honor of attending the first ever mission festival celebrating the ministry carried out by the Episcopal mission congregations in Europe. The gathering was held in Rastatt, Germany.

The Rt. Rev. Pierre Whalon (pictured above addressing the children at the closing Eucharist) was in attendance for the entire celebration, and played an integral role in terms of teaching, vision, and encouragement.

I look forward to sharing the pictures and stories of these congregations in the days to come --including the stories of the two missions that will be closing shortly, the booming new church plant of ex patriots and the new church sprout of refugees from Rwanda. What a gathering!

This trip reinforced (once again) that as Episcopalians we are a diverse group of people who are united by the experience of knowing the transforming love of Christ on a heart, mind and soul level, and who want to share this experience with the wider (and increasingly secular) world. I continue to be warmed by the spiritual depth and beauty of our brothers and sisters in Christ, both at home and abroad...


A jet lagged blogger

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

ECC Resources

In preparation for an upcoming visit with the Convocation of Churches in Europe, I have gathered a collection of resources produced by colleagues from the Episcopal Church Center. While I was aware of many of these resources, to see them all gathered in one place (on my office floor no less--all in preparation for shipping to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Europe), to see the breadth of knowledge and passion, and to imagine the new ministry that they can catalyze is incredible.

I wrote out the name of each resource by department, and included contact information. While this document is long (probably too long for a blog) I am quite anxious to share. Departments are listed alphabetically with resources listed beneath each one. While this is by no means an exhaustive list, it is a beginning...

Blessings friends, and I look forward to sharing photos and stories of our mission festival in Germany upon my return.


Episcopal Church Center Resources

Office of Anglican and Global Relations

“Windows on Mission-stories of DFMS missionaries around the world” highlights eleven unique mission journeys with missionaries who share their joys and challenges of doing God’s work throughout the world. 2 DVD Set, $39.95. (each of the eleven segments run between 15 and 25 minutes in length.)

An accompanying study guide will soon be available, also through Episcopal Books and Resources, and available for download with out charge at

Contact Episcopal Books & Resources
212 716-6059
800 334-7626

Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion

Guide to Episcopal Colleges Contact the Episcopal Colleges Office at 1.800.334.7626, ext. 6148 or visit

Congregational Development

Stewardship Handbook
Visit the Stewardship pages of The Episcopal Church web site at At this site you will find a large amount of downloadable and very useful information designed to help leaders in congregations and dioceses to development stewardship programs that help carry out the work God is calling them to do. Most of the information found in the Stewardship Handbook (on the display table at events) is also in downloadable format at this site. For more information contact
Terry Parsons Stewardship Officer Congregational Development
or 800.334.7626, ext 6284

Small Church Growth Strategy Handbook (Summer 2007 edition to be uploaded soon) Contact Suzanne Watson at 1.800.334.7626, ext. 6185 Or e-mail

Voices of the Young: Listening to twenty-somethings talk about the Church (DVD)

Truth and Hope: A Time of Truth and Hope for the Episcopal Church by Charles Fulton and James Lemler available from Forward Movement Publications

FACTS on Episcopal Growth (and much more statistical data) Kirk Hadaway Visit

Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

Interfaith Education Initiative: A Manual on Interfaith Dialogue Available through Episcopal Books and Resources at using reference number 60-0416.

Handbook for Ecumenism Available through the Office of Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations at 800.334.7626, ext. 6127 Or e-mail

Episcopal Life
Visit e-Life on line at

Episcopal Migration Ministries
“A Map of Faith-Sharing the Journey with the Uprooted” DVD Available through Episcopal Migration Ministries at 800.334.7626, ext. 6057 Or e-mail

Episcopal News Service
Visit the new interactive Episcopal Life site
To receive Episcopal News Service via e-mail, subscribe at

Episcopal Relief and Development

For brochures, magnets, and more information about the Millennium Development Goals and the Episcopal Church
For gifts that will make a lasting difference in the lives of children and families living in extreme poverty, consider giving from the Gifts for Life catalog
For more information call 1.800.334.7626 ext 5129, or visit for information about the vital ministry of Episcopal Relief and Development.

Office of Ethnic Congregational Development

A Disciples Prayerbook available through the office of Native Ministries at 800.334.7626 ext 5350 or e-mail at

Hispanic Ministry: Opportunity for Mission And The Hispanic Mission: Things to Consider in Starting an Hispanic Mission by The Rev. Isaias Rodriguez. Both Available through the Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries at 1.800.334.7626 ext 6328 or e-mail at

Black Ministry Resources
Contact The Rev. Angela Ifill at 800.334.7626 ext 5343 or e-mail at

Asian Ministry Resources
Contact The Rev. Winfred Vergara at 800.334.7626 ext 5344 or e-mail at

Office of International Partnership for Service Learning and Leadership

For more information on the Service Learning Summer or Semester Programs or the Master of Arts in International Service, visit or at 212.986.0989 or e-mail at

Ministries With Young People

· For all handbooks, publications, DVD’s, and music resources contact Luke Fodor at 800.334.7626 ext 6158 or

· Handbooks and Publications (most available for download with out cost):

· Handbook for Ministries with Young Adolescents in the Episcopal Church
· Handbook for Ministries with Older Adolescents in the Episcopal Church
· Discovering: Called to Teach and Learn—A Process to Explore the Church’s Primary Teaching Resource
· Called to Teach and Learn: A Catechetical Guide for the Episcopal Church
· Youth Ministry in the Age of AIDS
· In Dialogue with Scripture: An Episcopal Guide to Studying the Bible
· Awake My Soul: A Liturgical Resource for use with Children and Adults
· Youth and Young Adults: Resource Book For Ministries With

DVD and Music Resources:
· Voices of the Young: Listening to twenty-somethings talk about the Church (DVD)
· REMix: Greatest Hits from Ministries with Young People

Announcements of Mission Opportunities:
Young Adult Service Corp
Short-Term Domestic Internship Program
Young Adult Internship Programs

Mission Program

2020 The Vision for Mission Today and Tomorrow James Lemler Available from Forward Movement Publications

Groundwork (Lenten Study Guide) Available to download with out fee at

Truth and Hope: A Time of Truth and Hope for the Episcopal Church by Charles Fulton and James Lemler available from Forward Movement Publications

Office of Ministry Development

Supporting Christians at Work: A Practical Guide for Busy Clergy by Mark Green, available through Episcopal Books and Resources at or at 800.903.5544

Theological Education for All: Knowledge of God, not a forbidden fruit. Go to

Ministry in Daily Life: Go to

Office of Government Relations

Visit or 800.2280515 for more information on:
God’s Mission in the World: An Ecumenical Christian Study Guide on Global Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals
Corporate Engagement by the Episcopal Church on Issues Related to Israel and the Palestinian Territories

Office of Peace and Justice Ministries
Engage God’s Mission: Policy for Action—The Social Policies of the Episcopal Church, USA
Anti-Racism Training and Material
Jubilee Ministry: Outreach Ministry Program of The Episcopal Church for the Past Quarter Century
"Changing Lives: Behind the Walls at Angola" is a new feature-length video documentary following the effects of an Episcopal chaplain's ministry inside a prison once considered the bloodiest in America: the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, Louisiana
Contact 800.334.7626, ext 6050 for more information or e-mail

United Thank Offering

UTO 2006: Grants List
Contact 800.334.7626 ext 6022, or e-mail Steven Bailey at

Women’s Ministries
Shall We Gather: Anglican Women Together (DVD)
Anglican Women’s Empowerment (AWE) Brochure
Beijing Circles: Resource for Women of Faith Changing the World
Beijing Circles: East Timor to Yonkers (DVD)
For more information contact Kim Robey at 800.334.7626 or e-mail

Additional Resources on Table:

Changing Lives for Good: visit

Happy Easter

from Connecticut...