On behalf of the Rev. Charles Fulton, Director of Congregational Development, this is to announce the final two seminars of “Upward Bound, Leading Congregations Through Change, Decisions, and Conflict”.
The last seminar scheduled for the western region will be held November 12-15, 2007 in Santa Fe, NM. Three spaces remain available – please call promptly if you would like to register.
The final seminar will be held May 5-8, 2008 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Full registration materials are at:
Below is an overview of the seminar content. Do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming Upward Bound events.
Leading Congregations Through
Change, Decisions, and Conflict
Transformational leadership begins with a transformed leader. Upward Bound addresses the personal work leaders need to do in order to lead in challenging times of growth and change.
Upward Bound is for the congregational development leader who is ready to address the following situations:
· Your primary goals are sabotaged by distracting mini-fires.
· Emotional responses are disproportionate to the situation.
· You are leading ‘process’ with people operating in a ‘yes or no’ world.
· You are caught in a problem that is not yours to solve.
· There is a negative force that drains time and emotional energy.
· Passive-aggressive behaviors have reached an artful level.
The work is personal, intensive, and transforming. Agenda items include:
►How to examine both a conflicted situation and your place in it.
►Explore your individual awareness of how you receive approval and support.
►Different levels of needs and the implications for congregational behavior.
►Skills to stop participating in destructive games and negative cycles.
►Renegotiate relationships after conflict has erupted.
►Increase listening and feedback skills for clarity rather than inference or judgment.
►Distinguish between problems that are yours and others.
Upward Bound the primary congregational leader who has primary responsibility for leading and managing the congregation through change and growth. The goal is to heighten your awareness and skills required to lead congregations in times of change and transition. The training is highly interactive, includes teaching, role-play, conversation, and personal reflection.
You will be invited to carefully explore your individual awareness and competence, examine the congregational setting in which you lead, and apply new models of interpretation to effect change.
Space is limited to 35 registrants. Upward Bound is sponsored by the Office of Congregational Development and coordinated in partnership with the Episcopal Church Building Fund. To learn more call 800-334-7626, ext. 6003.