Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Your Story--God's Story

As a previous comments reflected, a key to evangelism and faith development is becoming aware of how our own story, and that of our congregation, is part of the larger unfolding story of God's redeeming and saving work in the world.
A tool was developed through the Episcopal Church's Office of Congregational Development by the Rev. Charles Fulton and Susie Miller to help people become more aware of how God has and is acting in their lives. This exercise, which I have pasted below, can be used individually or in small groups (or even reprinted in your church or diocesan bulletin or newsletter.)
Personally, I have worked through it a few times. Most striking was seeing clearly how God is and was always active and truly present in my life, even through those times when I had turned away from God's love or thought I was all alone.
I'd encourage you to take some time to do this exercise (I did it for the first time on the train on my way to work.) Then share it. And of course, let me know (and others if you are brave) what you discover...S.
Preparing to Tell Your Faith Story
Charles Fulton and Susy Miller

Draw a time line from left to right on a sheet of paper, the left being your birth, the right being the present.

Time line:


On the time line mark and identify (by year) significant events that were turning points in your life.

Above the line describe the context within which the event occurred. What else was going on in your life at that time?

Below the line describe your awareness of God at that point. Was God present or absent?
What was God doing with you in that event—comforting, challenging, provoking, teaching, giving, providing, loving, affirming, etc.?

Look at the whole time line. Are there patterns in the turning point events of your life? What initiates turning points, what is required of you, how were you different after these events?
What are the patterns in your experience of God and your relationship with God? Is there a consistency in God’s actions and responses in your turning points?
Remember: God is the main character in this story, what God has done and is doing in your life. You are the acted upon.
Imagine telling someone about your insights into God’s presence and working in your life.
Tell your story of how God has come into your life and what has been the result when you have recognized God’s presence.
Tell the story to yourself, then tell the story to a friend. Listen for the story your story will trigger in your friend.
Tell your story to someone outside a faith community.

Commit to inviting God into your life as your life line lengthens into your future, regularly engaging the Gospel with others.

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